Industrial thickness gauging of polymer layers at top speed

Setting a new speed record for thickness gauging, the system accomplishes 1600 measurements per second, and is thus suitable for use on rapidly moving samples in a production line. Ultra high-frequency electronics enable reliable and efficient quality control in industrial production. Owing to recent advances in laser development and improved manufacturing methods in terahertz electronics, […]

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Project IQuAn – Combining High Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum Computing

Partners from academia and industry, led by the University of Mainz, have started a collaborative research project with the ambitious goal to build a quantum computer, interface it with an existing supercomputer and also enable access to external users. Providing access to external parties is an important goal and a major step in bringing quantum […]

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Prof. Dmitry Budker receives Norman F. Ramsey Prize of the American Physical Society

As a proud sponsor of the APS Norman F. Ramsey Prize, TOPTICA would like to congratulate the 2021 recipient Prof. Dmitry Budker, Professor of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University and Section Leader, Helmholtz Institute Mainz, and Professor of Graduate School, University of California at Berkeley “for groundbreaking work in the precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules“. […]

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QRydDemo – A Quantum Computer based on Rydberg Atoms

Quantum computers promise solutions for certain computational tasks that overwhelm conventional supercomputers, such as optimization problems or the simulation of novel materials and compounds. Coordinated by the University of Stuttgart, partners from academia and industry have just started the collaborative research project "QRydDemo" towards a quantum computer “made in Germany”. TOPTICA Photonics AG is the […]

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