TME Pharma provides update on number of outstanding shares and warrants following first warrant Y exercise period

TME Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALTME), a biotechnology company focused on developing novel therapies for treatment of cancer by targeting the tumor microenvironment (TME), provides an update on the outstanding number of ordinary shares, Warrants Y and Warrants Z following the exercise of 974,365 Warrants Y for €97,436.50 during the completion of the first Warrant […]

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TME Pharma Announces Successful Advice Meeting With US Food And Drug Administration On NOX-A12 Development In Brain Cancer

  Constructive meeting held with FDA provided feedback and clear guidance on key aspects of further development of NOX-A12 combinations for the treatment of glioblastoma Preparatory work on-track to open IND and to have feedback on access to expedited regulatory pathway by end of Q1 2024  TME Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALTME), a biotechnology company […]

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TME Pharma announces further improvement in median overall survival at 19 months follow-up in GLORIA brain cancer trial

. Median overall survival surpasses 19 months and continues to improve in glioblastoma patients receiving NOX-A12 combination with radiotherapy and bevacizumab Survival rate in this cohort at 19 months is 10-fold greater than a reference cohort of matched patients receiving standard of care (50% vs. 5%) TME Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALTME), a biotechnology company […]

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TME Pharma annonce le vif succès de son augmentation de capital avec droits préférentiels de souscription pour un montant de 2,7 millions d’euros

L’opération a permis de lever un montant total de 2,7 millions d’euros et d’émettre 10,8 millions d’actions nouvelles. La demande importante principalement des actionnaires existants s’est élevée à 5 millions d’actions, ce qui représente un taux de souscription d’environ 47 %, le solde étant couvert par le groupe d’investisseurs garants. Ce financement prolonge la visibilité […]

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TME Pharma announces results of successful capital increase with preferential subscription rights for €2.7 million

Transaction raised the full amount of €2.7 million leading to the issuance of 10.8 million new shares Strong demand primarily from existing shareholders amounted to 5 million shares representing subscription rate of approx. 47% with the remaining balance covered by the guarantor investors Financing extends cash runway from February 2024 into May 2024 past key […]

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TME Pharma annonce l’ouverture de la cotation des droits préférentiels de souscription pour l’augmentation de capital entièrement garantie de 2,7 millions d’euros

Ces informations ne sont pas destinées aux résidents du Royaume-Uni, des États-Unis, de l’Australie, du Canada ou du Japon. Voir l’annexe pour une clause de non-responsabilité complète. • Le montant garanti de la transaction prolonge la visibilité de trésorerie au-delà des étapes réglementaires du premier trimestre 2024. • Cette visibilité financière permettra à TME Pharma […]

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TME Pharma announces the initiation of the listing of preferential subscription rights for fully guaranteed €2.7 million capital increase

This information is not intended for residents of the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada or Japan. See Annex for full disclaimer. Guaranteed portion of the transaction will extend cash runway past regulatory milestones in Q1-2024 The financial visibility will allow TME Pharma to file and receive feedback from FDA on its IND and applications […]

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TME Pharma Launches fully guaranteed €2.7 million preferential rights issue with warrants attached combined with buyback of convertible debt

Guaranteed portion of the transaction will extend cash runway past regulatory milestones in Q1-2024 The financial visibility will allow TME Pharma to file and receive feedback from FDA on its IND and applications to expedited regulatory review pathways Current shareholders to receive preferential rights to participate in capital raise issuing shares with warrants attached Buyback […]

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TME Pharma reports H1 2023 financial results and provides business update

Survival data from NOX-A12 GLORIA Phase 1/2 trial in brain cancer continue to improve and have already surpassed all relevant competitors     67% overall survival at 18 months for NOX-A12 combination regimen with VEGF inhibitor and radiotherapy vs. 5% for standard of care TME Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALTME), a biotechnology company focused on developing […]

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Further improvement in overall survival at 18 months to 67% for NOX-A12 combination regimen in brain cancer

TME Pharma N.V. (Euronext Growth Paris: ALTME), a biotechnology company focused on developing novel therapies for treatment of cancer by targeting the tumor microenvironment (TME), announces that another patient has reached the 18-month survival mark after start of therapy increasing overall survival at 18 months (OS-18) to 67% in the GLORIA expansion arm for newly diagnosed […]

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