Leadership Change at SmarAct GmbH

From startup to an internationally successful corporate group – that is the success story of the SmarAct Group. With continuous growth, the demands on the role of management have significantly changed. This development has led Axel Kortschack to place the leadership in the competent hands of Michael Weigel-Jech. "A few years ago, we at SmarAct […]

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Führungswechsel bei der SmarAct GmbH

Vom Start Up zur international erfolgreichen Unternehmensgruppe – das ist die Erfolgsstory der SmarAct Gruppe. Mit dem stetigen Wachstum haben sich auch die Anforderungen an die Rolle der Geschäftsführung deutlich verändert. Diese Entwicklung hat Axel Kortschack dazu bewogen, die Leitung in die kompetenten Hände von Michael Weigel-Jech zu legen. „Vor einigen Jahren haben wir bei […]

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The SmarAct Group looks back with satisfaction on a successful new development that surprised the experts just over a year ago

One year after the product launch, the METIRIO encoder from SmarAct Metrology GmbH und Co. KG has made a lasting impression on the industry with its exceptional accuracy, reliability, and compactness. Diverse user markets are meeting the challenges of our time with innovative sensor and measurement technology. Whether it is fundamental research in medicine to […]

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Electrical Characterization of Nanomaterials

The SMARPROBE Nanoprober from SmarAct Metrology GmbH und Co. KG, sets new standards for failure analysis of semiconductor chips and electrical characterization of nanomaterials. The novel closed-loop motion system enables automated and reliable contacting and manipulation in the nanometer range. The continuing miniaturization trend of a wide variety of technologies as well as the development […]

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