Webinar: Entwicklung von Lentiviralen Vektoren für die ex vivo and in vivo Gentherapie

SIRION Biotech, das führende deutsche Unternehmen für Virale Vektoren, präsentiert am 17. November 2021 ab 14.00 (GMT) ein Webinar zur Optimierung des Designs Lentiviraler Vektoren. Die Optimierung des Designs eines lentiviralen Konstrukts in einer frühen Entwicklungsphase ist die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Gentherapie. Das Design des lentiviralen Backbones und der therapeutischen Gen-Kassette beeinflusst sowohl die […]

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Webinar: Developing Lentiviral Vectors for ex vivo and in vivo Gene Therapy

SIRION Biotech, the leading German viral vector company, will present a Webinar on November 17 at 2 PM GMT discussing optimizing lentivirus vector design for improved quality and safety Optimizing the safety of lentiviral vectors has been one of the main focal points of lentiviral vector development. Likewise, the design of the lentiviral backbone and […]

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SIRION Biotech Granted CIR accreditation by French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have granted SIRION Biotech a 3-year CIR (Crédit Impôt Recherche) accreditation lasting until end of 2023. As a result, SIRION Biotech GmbH is now on a list of experts accessible on the Ministry website, and companies based in France that work with us can deduct part […]

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