Raydiall und Yazaki testen 1000BASE-T1 Single Pair Ethernet (SPE)-Steckverbinder mit Messtechnik von Rohde & Schwarz

Raydiall, einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von FAKRA- und HSD-Steckverbindern für die Automobilindustrie, hat in Partnerschaft mit Yazaki, einem auf Kabelbäume, Steckverbinder und andere Anschlüsse spezialisierten globalen Automobilzulieferer, einen Single Pair Ethernet (SPE)-Steckverbinder für 1000BASE-T1 gemäß der OPEN Alliance TC9-Testspezifikation entwickelt. Rohde & Schwarz hat Raydiall bei den Entwicklungs- und Konformitätstests dieser Steckverbinder mit einem R&S ZNB8 […]

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Raydiall & Yazaki verify Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) connectors for 1000BASE-T1 with the support of Rohde & Schwarz

Raydiall, a world leading FAKRA and HSD connector manufacturer for the automotive industry, together with their partner Yazaki, a global automotive parts supplier with focus on wire harness, connectors and other terminals, have developed a Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) connector for 1000BASE-T1 in accordance with the OPEN Alliance TC9 specification. Rohde & Schwarz assisted Raydiall […]

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Electronic Design and Test Days 2021 mit neuesten Erkenntnissen von Rohde & Schwarz und Branchenexperten

Die Electronic Design and Test Days 2021, ein zweitägiges virtuelles Event, das von Rohde & Schwarz organisiert wird, präsentieren aktuelles Know-How führender Experten aus der Industrie zu den Themen digitale Hochgeschwindigkeits-Designs und Leistungselektronik. Auf der Tagesordnung stehen Live-Keynotes und Konferenzsitzungen, außerdem können Teilnehmer virtuelle Ausstellungsbereiche besuchen und von On-Demand-Bildungsangeboten zu verschiedenen Themen Gebrauch machen. Ein interaktiver Chat […]

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Electronic Design and Test Days 2021 delivers latest insights from Rohde & Schwarz and industry experts

The two-day virtual event Electronic Design and Test Days 2021 organized by Rohde & Schwarz will deliver the latest expertise from leading industry experts on high speed digital design and power electronics. Attendees will experience live keynotes and conference sessions, virtual exhibition and educational areas including a variety of subjects available on demand, and an interactive chat. […]

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GCF validates IMS test cases from Rohde & Schwarz for 5G NR protocol conformance

In cooperation with MediaTek, Rohde & Schwarz has submitted test cases for 5G NR protocol conformance test to the Global Certification Forum (GCF). The test cases have been validated successfully, adding on to the company’s legacy in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) protocol conformance testing. The Global Certification Forum has validated successfully IMS conformance test cases […]

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Rohde & Schwarz enhances Niagara Networks‘ new mobile visibility solution with subscriber-aware intelligence

ipoque GmbH, a Rohde & Schwarz company and provider of industry-leading OEM deep packet inspection (DPI) software, today announced a technology partnership with the Silicon Valley-based company Niagara Networks — a pioneer in providing an open visibility platform for mobile networks. By embedding a GTP subscriber resolving module from Rohde & Schwarz into their network […]

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Rohde & Schwarz hosts Oscilloscope Days 2021, a new two-day digital seminar event

Oscilloscopes take center stage at the online educational event organized by Rohde & Schwarz in partnership with Würth Elektronik and Farnell. Held in May 2021 and catering to electronics engineers from around Europe and beyond, participation at the Oscilloscope Days 2021 is free. The live sessions will be streamed simultaneously in English, German, French and Russian. Munich, […]

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Rohde & Schwarz lädt zu den Oscilloscope Days 2021 ein – einer neuen zweitägigen Online-Seminar-Veranstaltung

Im Mittelpunkt des von Rohde & Schwarz und seinen Partnern Würth Elektronik und Farnell organisierten Schulungsangebots stehen – wie der Name schon sagt – Oszilloskope. Die Oscilloscope Days 2021 finden im Mai 2021 statt und richten sich an Elektronikentwickler aus Europa und der ganzen Welt. Die Live-Sessions werden gleichzeitig auf Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Russisch übertragen. Die […]

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Industrial Radio Lab (IRL) Dresden and Rohde & Schwarz cooperate to research wireless technologies for industry 4.0

Rohde & Schwarz provides high performance network scanners to IRL Dresden to explore reliable and resilient wireless technologies for industrial applications. The test equipment is used for distributed real-time radio spectrum and interference monitoring. In order to realize industry 4.0 use cases such as mobile robots or automated guided vehicles, industrial network deployments must guarantee […]

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Rohde & Schwarz joins the FiRa Consortium to show its commitment to the growing Ultra-Wideband (UWB) ecosystem

. By joining the FiRaTM Consortium, Rohde & Schwarz contributes to the organization’s efforts to establish a certification program for UWB devices. Rohde & Schwarz brings along a broad expertise in mobile device testing and certification. Rohde & Schwarz announced today to have joined the FiRa Consortium as an associate member. FiRa, short for "fine ranging", is […]

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