Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy

The research project, named IMPACT – Cardiogenomics meets Artificial Intelligence: a step forward in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy diagnosis and treatment – will run for 36 months and has been funded with 4 million euros by the European Innovation Council for cardiogenomics. The mission of the European Innovation Council, established by the European Commission in 2021, is […]

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environMENTAL – New EU-Funded project reveals the role of environMENTAL factors for mental illnesses

The EU-funded project environMENTAL is holding its kick-off meeting to initiate its investigation on the influence of global environmental challenges on brain and mental health. The international consortium led by Prof. Gunter Schumann, Head of the Centre for Population Neuroscience and Stratified Medicine (PONS) at Charité’s (CCM) Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and at ISTBI, Fudan University […]

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Myrtil Biotechnologies – innovative Arzneimittelforschung für Patienten mit dilatativer Kardiomyopathie

Im Rahmen einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit haben Ksilink und myriamed gemeinsam ein aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPSC) abgeleitetes Modell der dilatativen Kardiomyopathie (DCM) entwickelt und validiert, das nun von dem neu gegründeten Gemeinschaftsunternehmen "Myrtil Biotechnologies" verwertet werden soll. DCM ist eine lebensbedrohliche Krankheit, bei der sich das Herz vergrößert und das Blut nicht mehr effektiv pumpen […]

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Myrtil Biotechnologies – innovating drug discovery for patients with dilated cardiomyopathy

In a long-term collaboration, Ksilink and myriamed jointly established and validated an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived model of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), which will now be exploited by the newly created joint venture ‘Myrtil Biotechnologies’. DCM is a life-threatening disease in which the heart becomes enlarged and cannot pump blood effectively anymore. About 1 in […]

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Ksilink, joining academic-industry cell imaging consortium

The Joint Undertaking in Morphological Profiling with Cell Painting aims to accelerate drug discovery and development by creating a massive dataset of cells imaged under more than 140,000 different conditions. The public-private translational center Ksilink together with industry and non-profit partners recently joined a collaborative initiative, launched and coordinated by the Broad Institute of MIT […]

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Ksilink tritt renommiertem Konsortium für Zellbildgebung bei

Das Konsortium “Joint Undertaking in Morphological Profiling with Cell Painting” (JUMP-CP) zielt darauf ab, die Entdeckung und Entwicklung von Arzneimitteln zu beschleunigen, indem ein großer Datensatz von Zellen erstellt wird, die unter mehr als 140.000 verschiedenen Bedingungen mikroskopisch abgebildet werden. Der öffentlich-private Verein für Translationale Forschung, Ksilink, hat sich diesen Monat zusammen mit Industrie- und […]

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