New unit enhances the efficiency of closure inspection

In beverage bottling plants, the process of closing the containers constitutes a point of crucial importance for the product’s overall quality. Until now, quality-assurance solutions have used a combination of the reflected- and transmitted-light methods, but that requires quite an elaborate set-up. In order to meet more stringent quality standards and keep pace with innovative […]

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Krones increases high-viscous food capabilities with minority investment in Perfinox

On April 16th 2024, Krones has signed agreements leading to the acquisition of a 45% equity stake in Perfinox Industria Metalurgica S.A. (Perfinox). Based near Porto (Portugal), Perfinox is providing solutions for the preparation & preservation of high viscous food products such as hummus, ketchup, condiments and vegan food innovations. The applications include solutions for mixing, cooking […]

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Krones will für das erfolgreiche Geschäftsjahr 2023 eine Dividende von 2,20 Euro je Aktie ausschütten

Krones hat heute den Geschäftsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht und bestätigt die Vorabzahlen. Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat schlagen der Hauptversammlung für das Jahr 2023 eine im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 25,7 % höhere Dividende von 2,20 Euro je Aktie vor (2022: 1,75 Euro je Aktie). Profitables Wachstum von Krones wird sich 2024 fortsetzen. Der Vorstand prognostiziert für den […]

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Krones at Anuga FoodTec 2024

What are the challenges faced by beverage and food producers worldwide? One is certainly ensuring security across the entire production process – because, of course, only products of impeccable quality should ever roll off the line and make their way to consumers. Another is sustainability, a factor that applies along the entire value chain. As […]

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