hofer powertrain lays the foundation for the next generation of electric vehicle drivetrains. The German powertrain expert hofer powertrain opts for the most future-proof chip technologies and realizes new multilevel power electronics with the latest Gallium Nitride chip technology D3GaN (Direct Drive D-Mode), provided by the leader in Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology for the automotive […]
continue readingThe new Traction Inverter with Gallium Nitride Chip Technology proves to be a success
hofer powertrain opts for the most future-proof chip technologies and develops new multilevel power electronics with VisIC Technologies’ Gallium Nitride chip technology, D3GaN (Direct Drive D-Mode), capable of meeting the needs of modern drivetrains and breaking efficiency barriers. The efficiency and power density of the new solution exceed the capabilities of silicon-based technology – the […]
continue readingNew Form Litz Wire winding technology from powertrain specialist hofer powertrain cuts e-motor losses by 25%
hofer powertrain marks another milestone in developing future-proof drives with the successful patent of its new Form Litz Wire winding technology. This new technology offers significant economic, efficiency, and sustainability benefits, making electric motors smaller and lighter while maintaining the same high performance as its predecessors (the Pull-In and Hairpin winding). Form Litz Wire consists […]
continue readingNeue Formlitzen-Wicklung vom Antriebsspezialisten hofer powertrain bewirkt 25 % weniger Verluste im E-Motor
hofer powertrain setzt einen weiteren Meilenstein in der Entwicklung von zukunftsfähigen Antrieben und patentiert seine neue Formlitzen-Wicklungstechnologie mit erheblichen Verbesserungen im Hinblick auf Kosten, Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Mit ihr werden E-Motoren kleiner und leichter bei gleich hoher Leistung im Vergleich zu den Vorgängertechnologien – der Einzugs- und Hairpin-Wickeltechnologie. Zahlreiche Tests bestätigen: Die neue Formlitzen-Wickeltechnologie verringert […]
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