Ferronordic’s interim report for the second quarter 2023 will be published on 17 August 2023 at 07:30 CET. A presentation of the report will be held the same day at 10:00 CET. Ferronordic’s interim report for the second quarter 2023 will be published on 17 August 2023 at 07.30 CET and will be accessible at www.ferronordic.com. […]
continue readingFerronordic is awarded up to EUR 23m in government subsidies in Germany for investments in electric trucks
The German Ministry for Digital and Transport has awarded Ferronordic subsidies in an amount up to EUR 23m for investing in up to 117 electric trucks. Ferronordic plans to use subsidised electric trucks from Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks to grow its business in electric trucks rental and sustainable transport solutions. In 2022, Ferronordic founded […]
continue readingFerronordic erhält staatliche Förderung in Deutschland von bis zu 23 MEUR für Investitionen in Elektro-Lkw
Das Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Verkehr hat Ferronordic Zuschüsse in Höhe von bis zu 23 MEUR für die Investition von bis zu 117 Elektro-Lkw gewährt. Ferronordic plant, subventionierte Elektro-Lkw von Volvo und Renault Trucks einzusetzen, um sein Geschäft mit der Vermietung von Elektro-Lkw und nachhaltigen Transportlösungen auszubauen. Im Jahr 2022 gründete Ferronordic eine separate Tochtergesellschaft […]
continue readingBulletin from Ferronordic’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023
At Ferronordic’s AGM on 11 May 2023, held at Radisson Blu Strand Hotell, Nybrokajen 9, Stockholm, Thursday 11 May 2023 at 14:00, the shareholders resolved as follows: It was resolved to pay a dividend of SEK 7.50 per share. The record date for receiving the dividend is 15 May 2023. Payment will take place around […]
continue readingChanges in Ferronordic’s management
On 6 March 2023, Jonathan Tubb was appointed Deputy Group CFO in Ferronordic and member of the Executive Management Team. Jonathan has been CFO for Ferronordic’s Russia/CIS segment since 2017. He will continue his role in the CIS segment, which currently comprises of Kazakhstan. As Deputy CFO, he will also focus on Group operational finance […]
continue readingFerronordic acquires workshop in Peine, Germany
Ferronordic has agreed to acquire a workshop business in Peine, Germany. The acquisition is in line with Ferronordic’s strategy to expand and improve its service network in Germany to take a larger share of the aftermarket business in its sales area. The investment amounts to approx. EUR 0.8m. The transaction is expected to be completed […]
continue readingBulletin from Ferronordic’s annual general meeting (AGM) 2022
At Ferronordic’s AGM on 12 May 2022, held without physical presence pursuant to the Act on temporary exceptions to facilitate the execution of general meetings in companies and other associations (SFS 2022:121), the shareholders resolved as follows: It was resolved not to pay dividends. The Company’s and the Group’s income statements and balance sheets were […]
continue readingInvitation to Ferronordic’s investor presentation 12 May 2022
Ferronordic’s interim report for the first quarter 2022 will be published on 12 May 2022 at 07:30 CET. A presentation of the report will be held the same day at 10:00 CET. Ferronordic’s interim report for the first quarter 2022 will be published on 12 May 2022 at 07.30 CET and will be accessible at […]
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Ferronordic bestellt erste Elektro-Lkw und investiert in Elektromobilität im Werkstattnetzwerk
Ferronordic hat seinen ersten Auftrag für Elektro-Lkw in Deutschland erteilt, darunter 32 vollelektrische mittelschwere Fahrzeuge von Renault Trucks und Volvo Trucks. Die Fahrzeuge werden gegen Ende des ersten Quartals 2022 einsatzbereit sein. Darüber hinaus wird Ferronordic auch in Schulungen, Ladeinfrastruktur und andere Ausrüstungen investieren, die für die Reparatur und Wartung von Elektro-Lkw erforderlich sind. Ferronordic’s […]
continue readingFerronordic erweitert Netzwerk in Deutschland mit einer neuen Werkstatt in Bingen
Ferronordic hat im Rahmen strategischen Weiterentwicklung und Ausbau seines Werkstattnetzes in Deutschland die Truck Center Krämer GmbH, eine Vertragswerkstatt für Volvo und Renault Trucks in Bingen, Rheinland-Pfalz, übernommen. Bingen liegt 14 km nördlich von Bad Kreuznach und 25 km westlich von Mainz und Truck Center Krämer befindet sich am Schnittpunkt der Autobahnen A60 und A61. […]
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