Join us for the 6th edition of agrofood & plastprintpack Ethiopia 2024!

Following the remarkable success of the 5th edition ofagrofood & plastprintpack Ethiopia of June 2023, the organisers are committed to raising the standards even further. Their relentless efforts are focused on enhancing every facet of the upcoming 6th edition. Organised by the German trade show specialists fairtrade and their Ethiopian partners Prana Events, the 2024 edition is scheduled for […]

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La 6e édition d’agrofood & plastprintpack Ghana 2023 accueillera 70 exposants de 12 pays.

La 6e édition d’agrofood & plastprintpack Ghana se tiendra du 21 au 23 novembre 2023 au Trade Center Arena du Centre de conférence international d’Accra. Cette importante plateforme commerciale pour l’industrie ghanéenne est organisée par les spécialistes allemands des salons professionnels fairtrade Messe, en coopération avec leur partenaire local Geovision. 70 exposants de 12 pays et […]

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The 6th edition of agrofood & plastprintpack Ghana 2023 featuring exhibitors from 12 countries

The 6th edition of agrofood & plastprintpack Ghana is coming up from 21 to 23 November 2023 at the Trade Center Arena at the Accra International Conference Centre. This important business platform for the Ghanaian industry is organised by the German trade show specialists fairtrade Messe, in cooperation with their local partner Geovision. Exhibitors from 12 […]

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More than 210 exhibitors from 17 countries ready for business at Agro Pack & Plast Iraq from 19 to 21 September 2023 in Erbil

Organised by So Fuar and fairtrade Messe, Iraq’s leading agrofood & plast event Agro Pack & Plast Iraq is all set to take place at the Erbil International Fairground from 19 to 21 September 2023. This professionals-only event represents the entire agrofood & plastics value chain. Impressive figures underline the dynamic growth of the Iraqi […]

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130+ exhibitors from 16 countries and more than 3,000 trade visitors expected at agrofood & plastprintpack Ethiopia 2023

Due to encouraging market development and increasing interest in the Ethiopian market, the 5th edition of agrofood Ethiopia & plastprintpack Ethiopia will feature more than 130 exhibitors from 16 countries, namely Austria, Bulgaria, China, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Thailand and Türkiye. More than 3,000 trade visitors are expected from all over Ethiopia.  […]

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