Parking made easy: Leading car park operator APCOA enables ticket-less parking with onboard ALPR from CARRIDA Technologies

In order to enhance its services and to enable even simpler access to its car parks, APCOA PARKING, a leading European car park operator and provider of transportation services, developed a solution for ticketless access. It is based on a mobile App and Cameras with onboard automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) from German / Austrian […]

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Best optimized LPR Engine from Edge Device to the Cloud

Fastest reading rates and highest possible LPR accuracy, AI based vehicle identification and cross-platform optimized software: CARRIDA Technologies, provider of leading LPR software solutions and edge devices, will present its latest developments at trade shows ISC West (March 22-25, Las Vegas) and Intertraffic Amsterdam (March 29- April 01). Special to CARRIDA is the unmatched CARRIDA […]

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