In its 202nd year of existence, Steingraeber Bayreuth Piano Manufacturers are offering a rich schedule of presentations and activities.

It starts by the last week of May 2022 with the annual congress of the German Piano Technicians Guild

"BDK in Bayreuth with a celebration concert in the Unesco World Heritage Margravial Opera House on 27th of May with the Brussel’s Reine Elisabeth competition prize winner Anna Vinnitskaya.

The meetings with colleagues from all over the world is in the focus of the Bayreuth artisanal piano manufacturers: a huge Europiano Congress with a world meeting of piano technicians in Warsaw, September 2-4, will have a huge Steingraeber selection of innovations such as the Transducer Piano, Mozart Rail, Sordino, Carbon Fibre Soundboard, Virtual Recording and the Silent Piano etc., etc.

By the end of October, Music China, the leading fair for musical instruments in Asia, will be the first appearance of Steingraeber at a trade fair in 2022. The winter NAMM will be the highlight of this special post-covid year in which Steingraeber decided after recommendations by more than 90 % of its dealers and partners not to participate at the summer NAMM 2022.

One of around 80 musical highlights organized by Steingraeber should be mentioned as a highlight of 2022: Martha Argerich and her friends are appearing on the stage of the Margravial Opera House, the day before the opening of the world well-known Richard Wagner Festival, the 24th of July; only a few tickets remained which are exclusively in reservation for Steingraeber partners and customers.

Über die Steingraeber & Söhne KG

Steingraeber & Söhne has been making uprights and grand pianos in the Wagner Festival city of Bayreuth since 1852. At present, the family owned business has thirty-five employees who produce top quality, handcrafted instruments on a daily basis. Advancements in the construction of world-class instruments are the result of the continuous desire to innovate. Internationally recognized artists play Steingraeber pianos, which are regularly crowned with prizes throughout the world. Udo Steingraeber represents the sixth generation of Steingraeber piano builders. He has led the company since 1980.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Steingraeber & Söhne KG
Steingraeberpassage 1
95444 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (921) 64049
Telefax: +49 (921) 58272

Maren Braun
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (921) 64049
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