Hall: 1 / Stand number: L65

New product line optimizes mid-rate sortation

Intralox is broadening its focus upstream of the sorter with the release of the Bulk-to-Sorted product line at LogiMAT 2025 in Hall 1, Stand L65. Featuring the new Intralox® Activated Roller Belt™ (ARB™) AutoPitch™ Induction and Bulk Flow Optimizer™, this product line promises peak efficiency and operational ease for customers that need singulation and sortation of a bulk package flow.

ARB AutoPitch Induction is a semiautomated solution that delivers over 8,000 packages per hour at a lower cost than full automation. Its simple, intuitive operator interface maximizes induction rates, enabling operations to achieve up to 75% greater throughput than manual induction.

The Bulk Flow Optimizer is designed to work with Intralox’s SmartPath™ Singulator and Gapper. When combined, they enable bulk package induction and unlock the option for fewer operators and higher, more consistent throughput to ensure optimal sorter performance.

The Bulk-to-Sorted product line offers flexible equipment combinations that allow operations to find the right balance of automation and labor. Its integrator-ready products are thoughtfully engineered for seamless integration into an overall system.

These new products also complement existing Intralox solutions such as singulators, gappers, and sorters.

“For years, Intralox has been a sortation provider that integrators and end users trust to solve their toughest challenges. But now we’re expanding our focus upstream from the sorter to support the most challenging aspects of the entire bulk-to-sorted process,” said Derek Lester, Logistics and Material Handling Business Unit Manager at Intralox. “Whether you’re an integrator or end user, our products working together are designed to make your sortation application run more effectively and your job easier.”

To learn more about the Bulk-to-Sorted product line, join us for a presentation by Intralox engineer, Alexander Schubert on March 12, at 16:30-16:50 in Forum Nord/North, Hall/e 7.

Intralox is a leading sortation equipment provider dedicated to creating economic value for customers by solving the Material Handling Industry’s toughest challenges. Our extensive portfolio of solutions powered by Activated Roller Belt™ (ARB™) technology offers enhanced technical performance as well as reliability and simplicity for easy installation and maintenance. Trusted by both integrators and end users, Intralox has thousands of installs globally. Our culture of innovation continues to flourish with 2,244 patents in force worldwide. Working with Intralox means experiencing our commitment to providing solutions that create lasting value.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Intralox L.L.C. Europe
Circular Avenue 1-3
Telefon: +31 (20) 5403600

Brandon Campo
Telefon: +1 5045701325
E-Mail: brandon.campo@intralox.com
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