Hall: 1 / Stand number: 1C67

Flexibility, customisation, and speed: these are just a few of the stand-out features of the Flexibox by Modula S.p.A., the new automated vertical storage system poised to redefine standards in the picking sector. Designed to address the demands of dynamic and complex industries such as retail, e-commerce, automotive, as well as large-scale distribution, the Flexibox is the latest innovation from the Italian company, leader in intralogistics.

The Flexibox will make its debut on an international stage at the Logimat trade fair, where Modula will be exhibiting in hall 1, stand 1C67.

With the capacity to handle up to 180 bins per hour, the system optimises picking operations thanks to its unique feature of simultaneously retrieving from nine bins per cycle. This functionality drastically reduces picking times and procedures, accelerating and streamlining the relative processes. The Flexibox also offers native scalability, allowing businesses to start with a single unit, and expand with additional modules as needed.

Thanks to its compact and optimised design, the Flexibox allows hundreds of standard bins (600 x 400 millimetres) to be stored in exceptionally small spaces. This feature maximises workspace efficiency while improving space and time management, making it an ideal storage solution for environments with structural or logistical constraints. The system can fully utilise vertical spaces of up to 20 metres, overcoming the limitations of other market solutions.

The technology at the heart of the system consists of a central elevator and a telescopic fork, both engineered to enhance efficiency and deliver smoother and more precise picking performance. Thanks to its immediate call function, the Flexibox allows for the direct retrieval of a single item in the bay, bypassing complex orders, which makes it perfect for handling specific requests with remarkable speed. The system’s robust and simplified mechanics significantly minimise maintenance requirements and reduce machine downtime.

The vertical storage system also prioritises ergonomics and environmental sustainability. In fact, the operator’s bay has been designed to ensure an optimal working height to reduce physical strain and enhance operator safety. The Flexibox system’s low energy consumption also makes it a responsible and environmentally conscious choice, aligning with the growing market and societal focus on sustainability.

The system’s versatility is further demonstrated by its wide range of available configurations, featuring internal or external bays, single or double delivery levels, and the innovative "Smart Preparation" mode for order pre-preparation, which is specifically designed to cater to a market increasingly focused on operational efficiency.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Modula SpA
Via San Lorenzo 41
Telefon: +39 (0522) 774111

E-Mail: Francesca.Benassi@modula.com
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