Halle: 1 Galerie / Stand-Nr.: 1GA81

There is no way around the digital transformation of industry. And Murrelektronik is making it as easy as possible with its unique Vario-X installation system. This integrated system for the future of automation is causing a sensation not only in the industry, but also in politics and society – as demonstrated by its recent success at the Alliance Industry 4.0 Award Baden-Württemberg.

Don’t just talk about digitalization, instead drive the digital transformation forward with market-ready solutions today – the Alliance Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg was looking specifically for pioneering companies in Baden-Württemberg that particularly meet this requirement.

The aim: The network, initiated and funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, wants to shine a spotlight on these forerunners and their visionary solutions – with the first Alliance Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg Award.

"The winning SMEs show what digital transformation can look like in practice. They are a source of inspiration and should motivate other companies to take further steps towards digitalization”, said Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, at the awards ceremony held as part of the "STARTUP THE FUTURE" event.

One of the first winners of this award is Murrelektronik, the forerunner and leading company in decentralized electrical automation technology, with its unique Vario-X installation system.

The key towards digital transformation of the industry

Digital planning, easier and faster installation and commissioning, cost efficiency and sustainability: These are important goals for anyone automating processes today. The jury was impressed by the extent to which Murrelektronik supports its customers in this area.

With Vario-X, the company integrates all peripheral elements from the sensor to the cloud in a seamless, holistic solution – regardless of the manufacturer. With this system, all automation functions can be scaled and implemented decentrally and precisely as required – without the usual control cabinet architecture and compatible with all major industrial protocols.

As a result, there is no need for the laborious, time-consuming and error-prone point-to-point wiring in the control cabinet, which means that the customer has 30 per cent less work to do on the electrical installation. The plug and play installation concept can also be customized to suit individual requirements and applications.

Other important advantages: Thanks to the modular design, components can be added or replaced easily and without long downtime. And the digital twin makes it possible to virtually test and optimize the machine or system before commissioning.

"The digital transformation of industry is of immense importance for the successful future of us all. As a reliable and efficient partner for electrical automation technology, we want to provide our customers with the best possible support. We are grateful for this award and see it as an incentive to think more than ever in terms of digital solutions", Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Viethen, CEO of Murrelektronik, is pleased about this success.

Über die Murrelektronik GmbH

Making industrial automation as simple, seamless and cost-efficient as possible with smart solutions: Murrelektronik is the forerunner in decentralized electrical automation technology and has become, based on this DNA, the leading company in this field. Murrelektronik’s solutions bring signals, data and power close to the process, eliminating the need for control cabinets. For around 50 years, more and more customers worldwide from all manufacturing industries have placed their trust in this special expertise. Headquartered in Oppenweiler, Germany, the successful family-owned company has an extensive network of over 3,200 experts in more than 50 countries. With several global production and logistics locations, Murrelektronik is close to its customers to solve their diverse challenges quickly and smartly. The company has continued to expand its portfolio and covers a wide range – from connectors to I/O systems, power supplies and network technology up to the fast and easy installable, modular complete solution for cabinet-free automation, called Vario-X. As part of the plug and play mindset, Murrelektronik also offers holistic digital services supporting installation, commissioning and maintenance. Learn more here: www.murrelektronik.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Murrelektronik GmbH
Grabenstraße 29
71570 Oppenweiler
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (7191) 47-491000

Mark Böttger
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 174 658 1660
E-Mail: mark.boettger@murrelektronik.de
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