CHAINMASTER is pleased to announce that Raffaella Scaccia has joined our team as Senior Sales Manager Italy. With her extensive experience in the industry and deep understanding of the market, she will play a vital role in strengthening our presence and driving growth in the Italian market.

Benjamin Göldner, Vice President Stage of the LIFTKET Group, shared his excitement about the new addition: “We are thrilled to welcome Raffaella to the CHAINMASTER family. Her extensive industry knowledge, strong customer focus, and passion for excellence make her a perfect fit for our team. We are confident that her expertise will help us deliver even greater value to our customers in Italy.”

Raffaella Scaccia also expressed her enthusiasm for joining CHAINMASTER: “I am excited to be part of such a respected and innovative company. CHAINMASTER has an excellent reputation in the industry, and I look forward to working closely with our customers and partners to continue driving success in the Italian market.”

We look forward to achieving new milestones together with Raffaella and continuing to deliver innovative stage solutions across the region.


Since the introduction of CHAINMASTER products in 1994, the Saxon medium-sized company has evolved into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of lifting equipment in the event industry, offering a comprehensive product range for all requirements from basic operations to complex scenic movements and complete show automation. National and international projects are individually supported from planning to commissioning and user training, and the global network of CHAINMASTER Consulting Offices, trade partners, and trained service centers ensures appropriate after-sales service. Currently, approximately 125,000 chain hoists are in use, and CHAINMASTER exports to 55 countries worldwide. Among the company’s references are projects such as the construction of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, the Louvre in Lens, the Stockholm Opera, the Almaty Ice Arena, the 2014 Sochi Olympics, or the Helmut List Hall in Graz

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Uferstraße 23
04838 Eilenburg
Telefon: +49 (3423) 6922-0
Telefax: +49 (3423) 6922-21

Julia Kramer
Telefon: +49 (5173) 9220-24
Fax: +49 (5173) 9827-39
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