PSI Software SE has received the renowned Best Product Award in the “Software, Communication, IT” category for the AI-based platform PSIwms AI at this year’s LogiMAT. The awarded software, which is directly connected to the warehouse management system PSIwms, enables comprehensive optimization of warehouse processes.

Based on algorithms of Artificial Intelligence, PSIwms AI automatically analyzes and optimizes intralogistics processes in real time. For this purpose, a virtual test warehouse is used, which is connected to PSIwms and maps the relevant characteristics of the actual warehouse. Thus, it is possible to test how the values of the most important KPIs change when adjustments are made in the warehouse, without direct intervention. The AI models and warehouse processes are visualized using a 3D view and heat maps. This allows thousands of warehouse operation scenarios to be checked flexibly, quickly and cost-effectively.

Already in use at the fashion group LPP, the platform is analyzing a very large distribution center with 750,000 storage locations and over 700 employees. As a result, LPP has been able to shorten picking distances in the fulfilment centre by around 31 per cent and increase the efficiency of the entire picking process by approximately 23 percent. “PSIwms AI is the first AI platform that is directly connected to a warehouse management system and is already optimizing warehouse processes on such a large scale. We are very proud that this achievement has been awarded by the distinguished jury of the Best Product Award,” says Sascha Tepuric, Executive Vice President Logistics at PSI Software SE. ”In the future, we will continuously provide our logistics customers additional features as part of our group-wide AI initiative.”

The renowned prize honors innovative products that significantly contribute to rationalization, cost savings and increased productivity in internal logistics. The independent jury consists of experts from science, business and the media. Every year, a winner is selected from more than a hundred applicants in three categories.

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Über PSI Software SE – Business Unit Logistics

The PSI Group develops software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities and industry. As an independent software producer with more than 2,300 employees, PSI has been a technology leader since 1969 for process control systems that ensure sustainable energy supply, production and logistics by combining AI methods with industrially proven optimization methods. The innovative industry products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

PSI Software SE – Business Unit Logistics
Dircksenstraße 42-44
10178 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 2801-2850

Karsten Pierschke
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (30) 2801-2727
Bozana Matejcek
Corporate Public Relations Manager
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