The Ocotillo Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) in Chandler, Arizona, USA – where water reuse is essential – plays a crucial role in sustainable water management. Recognizing this, the City of Chandler has invested in cutting-edge wastewater treatment and reclamation facilities to supply reclaimed water to parks, businesses, golf courses, and city-owned aquifer recharge sites.

To ensure the Ocotillo WRF can meet future demands, the existing 18 MGD treatment facility required an upgrade to its biological process and headworks. Wilson Engineers led the design improvements, while McCarthy Building Companies executed the construction.

As part of this upgrade, new anoxic zone mixers were needed to support the facility’s advanced biological activated sludge treatment. Given the high-performance requirements, INVENT provided a customized solution, that met all engineering expectations. The INVENT HYPCERCLASSIC®-Mixers Evolution 7 were selected for their efficiency and reliability. Additionally, due to the 26-ft depth of the anoxic basins, the INVENT CYBERPROP-Mixer was integrated to enhance vertical mixing without increasing energy consumption.

The CYBERPROP-Mixer is an innovative propeller blade mounted higher on the HYPERCLASSIC®-Mixer’s vertical shaft. Rotating at the same velocity as the mixer body, it improves homogenization without additional energy input, further optimizing process efficiency.

To further enhance performance INVENT’s CFD department THINK Fluid Dynamix® conducted an advanced CFD flow simulation to optimize the inlet structure of the anoxic basins. The study revealed that a simple baffle plate could significantly improve flow dynamics. Based on these findings, a baffle plate was installed, ensuring more effective basin hydraulics.

With these upgrades, the Ocotillo WRF is now better equipped to meet future water reclamation challenges, supporting Chandler’s long-term sustainability goals.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

INVENT Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik AG
Am Pestalozziring 21
91058 Erlangen
Telefon: +49 (9131) 690980
Telefax: +49 (9131) 6909899

Ute Klausner
Telefon: 09131690980
Anke Eisemann
Telefon: +49 (9131) 69098-0
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