Measurement requirements for space applications can be very challenging. For example, the Sensors often have to be extremely light, hermetically sealed and are often used in extreme conditions. Here disynet offers sensors that are amongst the smallest and lightest in the world, yet with specs and performance that are top notch!

Next, the cables have to match the extreme conditions in space. They have to be low-outgassing – not only to prevent a contarmination of the vacuum in vacuum chambers during gound-testing, but also to prevent outgassing vapours from condensing on solar panels and optical instruments in space. Other extreme conditions can lead to material changes due to "red plague" or "cold flow". This can be avoided by using suitable materials and correct handling.

disynet offers cables that have not just been designed taking these challenges into consideration, but have also been thoroughly tested by their customers.

Even the specifications of the connectors used can sometimes become very demanding. For example, for some ground tests, panel mount feed-through connectors from a vacuum chamber to atmospheric pressure have to be air tight an include a corresponding seal.

The connectors are currently undergoing ESA-Certification.

Due to the long experience with suppliers from all over the world, disynet is able to provide such bespoke solutions even if these do not exist in the market yet.

In such situation products that are "MADE TO MEAURE" are the only solution. Here is where disynet is known for their expertise, "MADE TO MEAURE" being their slogan since 1995 .

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

disynet GmbH
Breyeller Str. 2a
41379 Brüggen-Bracht
Telefon: +49 (2157) 8799-0
Telefax: +49 (2157) 8799-22

Dipl.-Kfm Peter Ettwig
Leiter Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2157) 8799-28
Fax: +49 (2157) 8799-22
Ernest Schönberger
Telefon: +49 (2157) 8799-25
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