Geekplus, a global leader in robotics technology, and Invar Systems, LLC, operating in the US, a specialist in warehouse automation, keep enhancing the success of their partnership to transform the logistics industry through advanced robotics solutions.

Their collaboration continues to gain momentum, delivering projects that enhance operational efficiency, flexibility, and scalability for major clients across EMEA and US markets.

Geekplus and Invar Systems have successfully deployed over 80 Tote-to-Person robots for one of the world’s most prominent retail and e-commerce companies. The solution has streamlined warehouse operations, significantly boosting vertical storage space, accuracy, and efficiency.

Speaking on the collaboration, Jan Jongbloets, VP Sales EU and Global Key Accounts: "We are proud to partner with Invar Technologies to deliver innovative, cutting-edge order fulfilment solutions for some of the biggest players in the market. By leveraging all our range portfolio of solutions and adding the top technology knowledge from Invar, we’ve enabled businesses to scale their operations seamlessly and meet today’s fast-moving logistics challenges.”

Adding to this, David Clary, Business Development Manager  at Invar System, said: " Invar is pleased with the industry relationship we have established with Geek+ which has allowed us to offer Geek+ technologies to our clients powered by our WCS/WMS software while also supporting Geek+ on projects where they had a need for WCS/WMS software beyond what they would normally offer. Geek+ continues to establish themselves as a technology leader and we expect our relationship to grow to the benefit of both our companies as well as our clients.”

The success of these projects underscores the joint commitment of Geekplus and Invar Technologies to deliver world-class robotics solutions that redefine efficiency and performance in warehouse operations.

About Invar Systems

Invar Systems, is a global leader in providing large scale, fully integrated, highly automated, material handling systems powered by Invar System’s WMS/WCS software product, Invar Warehouse System (IWS).  IWS seamlessly integrates to host software systems, PLC level controls, and to subsystem software. Invar Systems also provides consultative based material handling solution design services based on data analysis and simulation. 

Über Geek+

Geekplus is a global leader in mobile robotics technologies. We develop innovative robotics solutions for order fulfilment. More than 1,000 global industry leaders use our solutions to realize flexible, reliable, and highly efficient automation for warehouses and supply chain management. Founded in 2015, Geekplus has more than 1,500 employees, with offices in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, and Singapore. 

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