Explore Application Areas and Exposure Principles for in vitro Inhalation Research

VITROCELL® devices are designed to evaluate the potential health risks of inhalable substances without relying on laboratory animals. These systems expose lung cells at the air-liquid interface, simulating real-world inhalation conditions.

A newly released video presentation highlights key in vitro exposure systems designed for all types of aerosols, including:

  • Gases, complex mixtures, and particles in continuous flow
  • Liquids and suspensions via single droplet sedimentation
  • Dry powders in minimal quantities

Watch the video on our YouTube channel Exposure Systems for in vitro inhalation research

Comprehensive Cell Exposure Systems
VITROCELL® offers a variety of advanced cell exposure systems capable of directly exposing respiratory tract cells to gases, particles, and complex mixtures.

Key steps of the exposure process:

  1. Cell Cultivation: Cells are cultured on permeable membrane inserts.
  2. Exposure Setup: The inserts are placed in exposure systems maintained at 37°C. The basal side of the cells receives nutrients through the membrane, while the apical side remains exposed to airborne substances at the air-liquid interface, closely mimicking human respiratory conditions.
  3. Exposure Process: Airborne compounds interact directly with the cells without interference from a liquid barrier.
  4. Post-Exposure Analysis: The membrane inserts are removed, and the cells undergo standard endpoint analyses.

Supporting the Reduction of Animal Testing
VITROCELL® systems are widely used in leading laboratories worldwide, helping reduce the need for animal testing in inhalation research. Their customers include:

  • Research institutes
  • Industrial and pharmaceutical laboratories
  • Contract research organizations
  • Regulatory authorities

VITROCELL® is a trusted partner in driving innovative advancements in toxicological and inhalation research globally.


Über die VITROCELL Systems GmbH

VITROCELL Systems GmbH, is specialized in the development of advanced in vitro exposure systems for inhalation toxicology: mammalian cells can be exposed to gases, environmental atmospheres, nano particles and complex mixtures at the air/liquid interface. VITROCELL® Skin modules and autosamplers are designed for the exposure of tissue. Our customers are leading research institutes, contract research organizations, regulatory authorities as well as the pharmaceutical and other industries throughout the world.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fabrik Sonntag 3
79183 Waldkirch
Telefon: +49 (7681) 4977950

Tobias Krebs
Managing Director
Telefon: +49 (7681) 4977950
E-Mail: info@vitrocell.com
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