hofer powertrain, a key development and technology partner for the automotive industry, announces a significant expansion of its battery testing capabilities in Nuertingen, Germany. Responding to the electric vehicle market’s unprecedented growth and the rising demand for high-performance, cost-efficient, and innovative battery systems, the company is expanding its development and testing facilities from 1,000 to 4,000 square meters. This expansion reflects hofer powertrain’s commitment to driving forward the development of the most efficient and innovative drive solutions.

"The trend towards electric vehicles in every automotive market segment is driving the demand for standard battery tests and innovative testing approaches. Our development and testing services are unique in the market, and our teams consistently deliver the highest quality. The number of projects and returning customers has been steadily increasing for years. With our expansion, we ensure not only to meet this demand but also to further support our customers in developing future-proof battery solutions," explains Lars Illgen, who jointly leads the Battery and Mechatronics business unit at hofer powertrain with Mr. Martin Maier.

The new development and testing facilities will feature state-of-the-art environments and test benches for cell, module, and pack tests, allowing the teams to cover a wide range of development work and conduct a variety of tests, such as environmental and electrical tests, including highly specialized approaches and procedures for individual customer requirements.

"Our employees in the battery teams are known for their quick handling of special inquiries, innovative spirit, and strong customer focus in the dynamic market. The expansion creates even more space for prototype assembly and enables a large testing environment for higher test specimen volumes, significantly increasing the efficiency and speed of testing processes in large projects," adds Lars Illgen.

The ability to respond to the individual needs of our customers quickly and flexibly, coupled with the continuous pursuit of progress by OEMs and Tier 1 customers, makes the services and expertise of hofer powertrain very attractive. With the expansion and the addition of up to 30 more experts to the team, the company further strengthens its position as a leader in the field of battery testing.

Beyond expanding its facilities, hofer powertrain is also deeply committed to the continuous growth and development of its teams. This expansion doesn’t just add capacity and expertise; it also champions the cultivation of new talent within this swiftly advancing technology field.

Über hofer powertrain

hofer powertrain is a system supplier, engineering, and technology partner for efficient powertrain solutions covering all classes of electrified vehicles. The company’s primary goal is to increase the efficiency of e-mobility with future-oriented solutions. This goal is achieved through a unique, in-depth knowledge of the complete powertrain system, including software, functions, and vehicle integration from pre-development to SOP and beyond. This holistic powertrain expertise is represented worldwide by expert teams in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

hofer powertrain
Ohmstr. 15
72622 Nürtingen
Telefon: +49 (7022) 217884-0
Telefax: +49 (7022) 217884-129

Christina Karuna
Telefon: +49 (176) 32647902
E-Mail: christina.karuna@hofer.de
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