• K°Focus provides an overview of heat exchanger solutions along the entire value chain.
  • The focus is on green hydrogen.
  • K°Focus covers hydrogen production, storage & transport and utilisation.

Green hydrogen is a key element on the road to climate neutrality. The colourless gas can make an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in the energy sector, in the chemical and steel industries and in transport. Although at present the hydrogen industry is still in its infancy, the topic is gaining momentum around the world. Kelvion has developed K°Focus Hydrogen so that plant manufacturers and operators can quickly and easily find out about suitable heat exchanger solutions.

The value chain in the new world of green hydrogen includes diverse, different and complex processes – from electrolysis, storage and transport to the utilisation of green hydrogen. K°Focus provides an overview of the various processes and applications and explains the appropriate heat exchanger solutions that ensure safety and efficiency.

When choosing the optimum heat exchanger, the individual requirements of the operator are decisive. This is because a heat exchanger is an essential component for operating a system not only in an energy and cost-efficient manner, but also reliably. Factors such as temperature, pressure, media, available space, safety requirements and thermal performance are critical. K°Focus provides quick and easy access to information on suitable heat exchanger solutions.

The platform is currently available in English.


Über Kelvion

Kelvion is a global manufacturer of industrial heat exchangers for a highly diversified range of market segments. Since 1920, the company has manufactured and marketed its products throughout many and various markets – since November of 2015, under the new Kelvion brand. Its specialized professional competency, solidly-based expertise, customer proximity and extensive product portfolio make Kelvion the partner of choice in the field of heat exchange. Whether plate heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, finned tube heat exchangers or refrigeration heat exchangers – the company supplies customers worldwide in a wide range of industries, primarily in the high-tech sector, including data centres and crypto-mining, and green tech, particularly hydrogen and heat pumps. Kelvion is a specialist in providing customer-specific products and services and supports its target customers throughout a global sales and production network.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Von-der-Heydt-Str. 2
44623 Herne
Telefon: +49 (234) 980-0
Telefax: +49 (234) 980-2752

Karin Pyc
Head of Communication
Telefon: +49 (234) 980-2580
Fax: +49 (234) 98034-2580
E-Mail: presse@kelvion.com
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