The collaboration aims to promote fair play and team spirit in Ultimate Frisbee – commitment to local sports promotion by Z-LASER GmbH

Z-LASER GmbH, a leading developer and manufacturer of laser solutions, has officially been the main sponsor of the first team of the Ultimate Frisbee club "DISConnection" from Freiburg since 2023. This collaboration underlines Z-LASER GmbH’s commitment to local sports initiatives and the promotion of team spirit and technological innovation.

Florian Schmidt, a long-time employee at Z-LASER GmbH and an active member of DISConnection since 2014, played a key role in initiating this partnership. "This cooperation is a great example of how companies and local sports teams can grow together," says Florian Schmidt. "We believe in the importance of fair play and precision, both in technology and in sports, and are happy to support DISConnection on their journey," explains Schmidt.

Further information

The partnership between Z-LASER GmbH and the Ultimate Frisbee Team DISConnection forms a unique connection between technology and sport. The support from Z-LASER GmbH allows DISConnection to not only further develop their sporting activities, but also to increase their presence in the local community.

DISConnection, founded in Freiburg, has developed into one of the leading Ultimate Frisbee teams in Germany through hard work and team spirit. Their participation in national and international competitions underlines their sporting expertise and commitment to the sport of frisbee. The team’s philosophy is based on fairness, respect and promoting a sense of community, values that are also deeply rooted at Z-LASER GmbH.

Über die Z-LASER GmbH

Since its foundation in Freiburg in 1985, Z-LASER GmbH has established itself as a leading provider of laser solutions. The company offers a wide range of products, including positioning lasers and laser projectors, which are used in various industries. With a strong focus on research and development, Z-LASER emphasises its innovative strength. The company sells over 75,000 products a year and is part of the Exaktera group of companies, which specialises in laser technologies.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44

Julia Mahl
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