After receiving the DAkkS accreditation of its inspection body in 2021, Omexom Offshore focused on the development of innovative methods that lead to high-quality inspection results. Own tests carried out throughout the development confirmed that the combination of drone technology, an AI supported database and subsequent experts analysis, is a very powerful tool to deliver conformity evaluations to customers in line with the requirements of the authorities.
The OBSERVAERO solution of Omexom grants their customers a full insight in the status of their assets. This is achieved by using up-to-date drone technology with optimized methods of photography for highquality pictures of the rotor blades. These pictures are then pre-assessed by a computer-vision engine in the customized-developed data platform, which enables inspectors and customers to view and manage the inspection results user-friendly and efficiently.
The development of the AI-platform was completely executed by internal resources of the VINCI group, to which Omexom Offshore belongs to since 2020. The development setup allows Omexom to customize its solution to all sorts of customers. The development was supported by several VINCI innovation programs, highlighting the strong commitment of the group to renewable energies and innovative technologies. Since the emerging of drones in the market of visual inspection of energy assets, the comparability of them to the traditionally used rope-access inspection is highly discussed. The development initiative was accompanied by a validation scheme to finally clear the way for drone-based inspection results being compliant with regulative recurrent inspection requirements offshore, such that rope-access inspection could focus on detailed damage assessment and repair.
Omexom is proud to share, that by 20 July 2023 the compliance of their methodology to the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie / Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Authority) requirements was confirmed by the independent certification body Hanseatic PowerCert (HPC). With that,
Omexom can now provide recurrent inspections of rotor blades via drones. The assessment of HPC furtherly emphasizes that the methodology of Omexom delivers at least equivalent insights as rope-access inspections. “Our new solution for drone-based and AI-supported rotor blade inspection is just the first step of innovative services provided by Omexom Renewable Energies Offshore to ensure and optimize the operation of wind turbines of our customers today and in the future,” says Lennart Reepschläger, Project Manager at Omexom Offshore.
The new inspection service is available now and can be used by all customers worldwide.
Faced with ongoing transformations in the world of energy, Omexom helps its clients to achieve the energy transition. Omexom draws on its expertise in all fields of electricity and gas to build low carbon energy sources and develop the grid, promote optimized energy use and implement innovative and collaborative solutions. Our projects are designed for energy producers, transmission and distribution system operators, local and regional authorities as well as their users in all territories. As an integrator, Omexom continuously looks for the best technological options and deploys the most suitable solutions for its clients’ needs in complete autonomy from its suppliers. At Omexom, environment has always been at the heart of our concerns which is even more essential for the coming years. Omexom is upgrading offers by using lowcarbon processes and recycled materials that preserve the environment and, at the same time, is launching new low-carbon solutions. Omexom is a VINCI Energies brand.
2023: €4,9 B turn over, thereof 750 M in Germany // 23,500 employees, thereof 4,000 in Germany //
450 Business Units, thereof 80 in Germany // 39 Countries
About Omexom Offshore
Founded in 2012 as EWE Offshore Service & Solutions GmbH, Omexom Offshore looks back on a successful journey of solving challenges in offshore wind energy for their customers starting in the first days of the German and European offshore market. Since its transition to VINCI in 2020, Omexom Offshore is part of Omexom and combines over 10 years of offshore experience with the strength of an international, multisector group.
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Telefon: +49 (30) 67983-161
Telefax: +49 (30) 67983-197
PSM&W Kommunikation GmbH
Telefon: +49 (69) 970705-32
Omexom Service GmbH
Telefon: +49 (173) 30580-19