A varied and informative program awaited the participants at Flottweg: First, training manager Daniel Wimmer presented the working world at Flottweg to give the girls an initial insight into the world of separation technology and mechanical engineering. Afterward, the interested parties learned more about the vocational training to become an industrial mechatronics technicians and were introduced to Flottweg’s internal training workshop. The young ladies were also able to demonstrate their craftsmanship with their own small project, the manufacturing of a ballpoint pen holder. The participants were able to gain their first experience on various metalworking machines under the guidance of their instructor and were able to carry out the final assembly of the components.
Training manager Daniel Wimmer is once again enthusiastic about this year’s day of action: "Girls‘ Day is a really great opportunity for young girls and women to learn about new career opportunities and gain their first experience in particular in the technical field."
Flottweg ist das auf Separationstechnik spezialisierte Familienunternehmen, das immer den spürbaren Erfolg für den Kunden zum Ziel hat. Mit einem Jahresumsatz von über 200 Millionen Euro und einer Exportquote von über 80 Prozent ist Flottweg einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Zentrifugen, Anlagen und Systemen. Mit über 60 Jahren Erfahrung garantiert Flottweg höchste Produktqualität – Made in Germany.
Flottweg unterhält eigene Niederlassungen in Form von Vertriebs- und Servicezentren in den USA, in der Volksrepublik China, in Russland, Italien, Peru, Brasilien, Frankreich, Australien und Mexiko.
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