A seven-story office and administration building as well as a production hall with elevated storage and logistics area are being built on the site of approx. 10,000 m². Its energy-efficient design along with a large-scale photovoltaic system makes the new facility a low-energy building according to KfW efficiency class 40.
With the new building, Jetter AG creates the conditions for further growth and at the same time emphasizes its local roots. The company will vacate its current location in Ludwigsburg-Neckarweihingen. Both the available spatial capacities and the production and logistics environments can no longer adequately meet the requirements of modern processes.
Christian Benz on the new building: "Here in Marbach we find the best conditions to realize our ambitious growth targets. The available space provides optimal production and working conditions, as well as a modern working environment in every respect. Following our products, which have been providing sustainable and process-safe automation solutions for decades, our new building will also live up to our high standards of being able to operate in a particularly sustainable manner."
The building shell is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2022 and the production area is to start work as early as the summer of 2023. All other business units are scheduled to move in by the end of 2023.
A good opportunity to familiarize oneself with the new location was gladly taken – on the occasion of the ground-breaking ceremony, all employees were invited and turned out in large numbers. Many visitors from neighboring companies also did not miss the event, as did specialist planners and members of the local council. A good omen for the further course.
Jetter AG is a leading provider of automation systems for the machinery and plant engineering business, as well as for the process technology industry. These systems have been applied both in industrial and mobile automation for decades. Jetter solutions are noted for their outstanding system integrity and diversity thus simplifying handling for the customer.
R&D and production of the automation specialist are located both at the headquarters in Ludwigsburg and in Tettnang near Lake Constance. Around 300 employees at the German production sites, at the subsidiaries in Hungary and China, at the sales and application office in Italy, and the global support network ensure that Jetter can quickly realize individual customer requirements worldwide.
Jetter focuses on the packaging and filling, handling and assembly, window manufacturing, municipal vehicles, agricultural machinery and glass container production industries.
Bucher Automation AG
Thomas-Alva-Edison-Ring 10
71672 Marbach am Neckar
Telefon: +49 7141 2550 0
Telefax: +49 7141 2550 425
Telefon: +49 (7141) 2550-562
Fax: +49 (7141) 2550-425
E-Mail: sglemser@jetter.de