Müller + Müller, the manufacturer of primary packaging materials made of tubular glass for the pharmaceutical industry, has announced a 15 million EUR investment at its vial manufacturing site in Holzminden. The investment, which follows the company’s integration into the DWK Life Sciences group in 2020, is expected to create 50 long term jobs. The company’s integration into the DWK group marked an important strategic step for DWK to expand its activities in the pharmaceutical packaging market. With the investment in new production and storage capacities at Müller + Müller’s Holzminden site, the company is sending a clear signal about its strategic orientation in an important growth market.

Florian Müller-Stauch, Managing Director of Müller + Müller, is pleased with the decision for this forward-looking project: "Construction of the new production hall and the expansion of the storage areas is scheduled to begin this year. The investment is intended to respond to the development in the market for pharmaceutical packaging and create up to 50 additional production jobs in the long term".

The investment includes up to 14 new production lines at the highest technical level as well as a corresponding clean room. The construction of the hall is to be completed early next year, with the interior work to follow. Several companies from the Holzminden region and southern Lower Saxony are involved in the expansion of production capacities.

Über die DWK Life Sciences GmbH

DWK Life Sciences is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of precision labware as well as primary packaging solutions for pharmaceutical, Life Sciences and industrial applications.

The company’s offering includes over 35,000 glass and plastics products, manufactured at 12 sites, marketed under the acclaimed brands DURAN®, WHEATON® and KIMBLE®. Its world-leading and trusted glass is complemented by an innovative research and life science portfolio.

Worldwide, 1,900 people are dedicated to developing and delivering superior products and services that focus on the needs of customers in Research, Life Sciences, Health Care, and Industrial markets.

You will find more information at www.DWK.com

About Müller & Müller

Müller + Müller is a leading producer of primary packaging from tubular glass for the global pharmaceutical industry. A clear focus and more than 90 years of experience in the field of vials made of tubular glass show that the company is well-positioned as a reliable and growth-oriented partner for its customers.

At the production site in Holzminden (Lower Saxony), about 300 million vials are manufactured on modern production lines annually. The production meets the highest quality requirements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and ISO 15378 (GMP standard).

Since September 30th, 2020, Müller + Müller is part of the DWK Life Sciences group, the world’s leading manufacturer of laboratory glass and life science packaging materials.

You will find more information at https://www.mmjoh-glas.com/en/

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DWK Life Sciences GmbH
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445 4131
Telefax: +49 (6131) 1445 4016

Kathrin Steinmann
Telefon: +49 (6131) 14454326
E-Mail: Kathrin.Steinmann@DWK.com
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