Nomad Bioscience GmbH was awarded two significant grants from Investment Bank Saxony-Anhalt (Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt) for development of griffithsin and other plant-derived lectins as preventative therapies against coronaviruses. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins some of which effectively prevent attachment of enveloped viruses (such as coronaviruses, influenza viruses, immunodeficiency viruses) to human cells thus preventing viral infection. The aim of the studies is to produce recombinantly multiple lectins using Nomad’s rapid manufacturing platform Nomadic
® and to evaluate their efficacy
in vitro and
in vivo as nasal/oral antiviral sprays.
“Our main goal is to control coronavirus infection, although the same treatment may be effective also against other respiratory viruses such as influenza”, said Prof. Yuri Gleba, CEO of NOMAD. “Coronaviruses are unlikely to be fully eradicated by vaccines alone, despite the tremendous success of recently deployed vaccines. Especially the high mutation rates demand for other measures including preventative therapies now and in future. Efficient, simple to use and inexpensive nasal sprays could be excellent additional control measures in areas and venues of high spread risk such as hospitals, nursing homes, public transportation, theaters, stadiums, restaurants, etc.”
Über die Nomad Bioscience GmbH
NOMAD Bioscience GmbH is a biotechnology company developing a broad range of biotechnology products manufactured in plants. Among the product candidates in development are antiviral biologics, non-antibiotic antimicrobials (bacterial bacteriocins and phage endolysins) for food safety and medicine markets, as well as natural proteins – thaumatins – as taste modifiers or high intensity noncaloric sweeteners. Corporate offices are headquartered in Munich, Germany and the Company’s Research Division is located in Halle, Germany. NOMAD Bioscience GmbH has also a wholly owned subsidiary UAB Nomads (Vilnius, Lithuania). For additional information, contact: or visit
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nomad Bioscience GmbH
Weinbergweg 22
06120 München
Telefon: +49 (345) 1314-2600
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