KARL MAYER has further extended its range of double needle bar raschel machines. After launching an RD 7 with a new knock-over comb bar distance (from 2 to 6 mm), models that produce spacer fabrics in tried-and-tested thicknesses but at new working widths are now being launched on the market: the RD 7/2-12 EN and RD 6/1-12 EN are available now in a working width of 190ʺ. The seven-bar machine was previously available in working widths of 77ʺ and 138ʺ, while the six-bar equivalent was available as a 138ʺ variant. Apart from the expansion in width, there were no other changes at all – especially not in terms of speed. Both 190ʺ machines achieve an unchanged speed of 850 courses per minute, which compared to the narrower 138ʺ versions, means an increase in productivity of 37%. The high efficiency is reflected in the price-performance ratio – with an increase of 15.7% for the RD 6/1-12 EN and 16.3% for the RD 7/2-12 EN. The width of the HIGHDISTANCE® has also been upgraded: the HD 6/20-35 was added to KARL MAYER’s product portfolio with a 160ʺ version.

By extending the working widths, the innovative textile machine manufacturer is primarily supporting its customers in the mattress sector. They can now produce not just more, but also more flexibly: two panels can now be produced simultaneously next to each other instead of singularly, or three fabric lines instead of two, for example. This greater production scope has been well received by the market. A number of customers in Asia are already working with the 190ʺ machines and are extremely satisfied with the performance.

Manufacturers in other spacer textile business sectors are also benefitting from KARL MAYER’s innovative strength and market intuition. The right technical configuration for every customer group – that’s the motto the global player has been working to for around the last two years to successfully differentiate its RD machine range. “With the RD 7/2-6 EN, we can offer the footwear fabric market a high-speed machine. A speed of 1,100 stitch courses per minute is setting standards in practice. The 138” RD 7/2-12 EN is a true all-rounder that is suitable for a wide range of applications, from footwear fabrics to articles for upholstered furniture and mattresses. With the 190ʺ versions of the RD 7/2-12 EN and RD 6/1-12 EN, we are able to offer models that meet the special requirements of the mattress market,” explains Albert Wong, Product Owner Double Needle Bar Machinery at KARL MAYER.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
E-Mail: ulrike.schlenker@karlmayer.com
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