Exertis Pro AV is expands its portfolio in the field of professional audio technology with the products of Spottune. With the innovative speaker systems from the Danish manufacturer, the portfolio is further fanned out into the area of hospitality and POS sound reinforcement. Spottune focuses on wireless streaming systems for the commercial sector, which offer decisive unique selling points through innovative features.

Spottune is a young company from Denmark and manufacturer of a new speaker streaming system, which is specially designed for use in 3-phase light rails, as ceiling speakers and as pendant speakers. Spottune Omni loudspeakers are designed to play sound in all directions using the 360-degree principle for 30% – 40% more efficient audio output compared to conventional speakers. The result is a consistent and clean sound experience at the PoS, in the restaurant, in the hotel or wherever the system is used. The versatility and simple usability includes Plug and Play installation, App-based DSP interface, User-friendly functions and flexible application options.

The versatile speakers of the Omni series are part of the system, but the heart is the cloud-based Spottune Stream: This broadcast unit combines DSP functions and intelligent audio source in one – while the stream through the cloud interface is able to store music or play via Spotify Connect, features such as priority switching for a microphone source are not missing. Flexible zone control with different audio sources is also possible.

"With Spottune, we are expanding our Pro Audio range by a new wireless Plug & Play sound system with cloud control" says Carsten Steinecker, Managing Director Business Development, at Exertis Pro AV. "Thus, Exertis Pro AV offers its customers a new solution for high-quality sound experiences," Steinecker continues.

Also Soren Louis Pedersen, CEO at Spottune, is delighted about the partnership: "In order to strengthen Spottune presence in the region ,we have been looking for a strong and committed partner to present our line of professional wireless speakers to the market. In COMM-TEC Exertis we have found the ideal Pro Audio partner for Spottune to expand our distribution and presence throughout the region. We look forward building success in a strong and long-termed partnership and we can’t wait supporting the many coming projects.”

About Spottune
The Danish audio company Spottune was founded in 2018 by Søren Louis Pedersen and Christian Poulsen, who together have pioneered new audio products. Spottune is changing the way people experience retail stores, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants by developing a new sound system with cloud control. The concept behind Spottune is to build a wide-ranging, wireless smart speaker audio system that fits into any building and can be set up within minutes for existing light tracks. Spottune’s goal was to create something that was easy to use while providing a better experience for the customer.

Über Exertis AV

Exertis Pro AV, formerly COMM-TEC, has been for more than 30 years one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. The company headquarters is located in Uhingen near Stuttgart and distributes the products of more than 60 well-known manufacturers. The business units “Digital Signage & Media Solutions“, “Collaboration & UCC“, “Signal Management“, “Pro Audio & Control“, “Display Solutions“ as well as “Racks & Mounts“ provide master technicians, system integrators and architects with the optimal hardware for their requirements. Exertis Pro AV acts strongly according to its claim "Think Solutions": it creates a consciousness for thinking and acting in terms of solutions, and for offering solutions. Exertis Pro AV supplies everything from one source, from planning through consultation to implementation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Isabel Blum
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-462
E-Mail: Isabel.Blum@exertisproav.de
Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
E-Mail: markus.kreuzer@exertisproav.de
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