The software corporation Dimetis announces a change in the company’s top management. Fabian Wörner takes over the management. The former CEO of Dimetis GmbH, Thomas Will, is stepping down as managing director and handing over to Fabian Wörner. After a “far advanced restructuring” according to Thomas Will, Fabian Wörner would like to commit himself to Dimetis GmbH as Managing Director. Thomas Will will remain with the company and will be responsible for sales in EMEA.
Fabian Wörner has also been CEO of Controlware Holding GmbH since November 2015. "I would like to expressly thank Thomas Will for his loyalty to the company during this difficult time and look forward to our continued cooperation”, Fabian Wörner said.
Über die Dimetis GmbH
Dimetis is a global software development company serving the media and service provider industries. Our mission is to develop solutions that simplify, optimise and secure the communication and management of video, audio and data infrastructures along the media value chain. For over 20 years, Dimetis customers have trusted the company’s world-class tools for automation, orchestration, broadcast management and control, NFV/SDN orchestration and much more.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Dimetis GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 9
63128 Dietzenbach
Telefon: +49 (6074) 3010-0
Telefax: +49 (6074) 3010-301
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