Milbank LLP advised the Otto Group on the proposed sale of Mondial Relay SAS to Amsterdam Stock Exchange-listed InPost S.A. The parties have entered into exclusive discussions regarding the proposed transaction, which is currently expected to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2021. Mondial Relay operates the second-largest Pick-up Drop-off ("PUDO") network in France and currently services around 131 million parcels per annum via a network comprising four depots and hubs as well as approximately 10,000 PUDO points, making it the largest independent PUDO player by volume in France. The Otto Group views the proposed transaction as an outstanding opportunity to provide the Mondial Relay with excellent prospects for sustainable and continued business success.
The transaction is subject to approval by the relevant committees and competition authorities.
A Milbank team, which comprehensively advised the Otto Group on corporate, tax and antitrust law aspects of the transaction, was led by partners Norbert Rieger and Sebastian Heim (both Corporate/M&A) and included the partners Rolf Füger (Tax) and Alexander Rinne (Antitrust, all Munich) as well as the associates Leopold Riedl (Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt); Maximilian Pechtl (Corporate/M&A ); Moritz Philipp, Arne Hammerich (both Tax); and Alexander Zyrewitz (Antitrust, all Munich).
Über Milbank LLP
Milbank LLP is a leading international law firm that provides innovative legal services to clients around the world. Founded in New York over 150 years ago, Milbank has offices in Beijing, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Munich, São Paulo, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo and Washington, DC. Milbank’s lawyers collaborate across practices and offices to help the world’s leading commercial, financial and industrial enterprises, as well as institutions, individuals and governments, achieve their strategic objectives. To learn more about Milbank and its attorneys, please visit
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