Bi-material gaskets are an effective solution to corrosion problems. Composed of a conductive silicone and an environmental sealing silicone, all united by a principle of coextrusion, our bi-material solutions will allow you to protect and extend the shelf life of your equipment.
GT5068 was developed by combining a conductive silicone charged with silver aluminum with a 65 Shore silicone EPDM. The main objective of this mixture is to meet the constraints of a corrosive environment by its resistance to water vapor by separating the shielding function and the sealing function to meet your specific applications.
Please contact us for further information:
For 50 years, we have been producing bespoke solutions adapted to your constraints of conductivity, EMC shielding and aggressive environments.
Our know-how allows us to develop our own compound and to master all the transformation processes to offer you a unique solution that meets your specifications.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
375 Avenue Morane Saulnier
F34030 Buc cedex
Telefon: +33 (1) 392042-42
Telefax: +33 (1) 392042-43
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