KARL MAYER offers trendsetting solutions and impulses for the textile industry and, to this end, looks beyond the company’s usual purview. In particular, connecting the textile industry with new technologies offers diverse potential for innovations. To tap into this potential, KARL MAYER has developed its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE. The platform is intended to encourage exchange and offer interested parties the opportunity to test new technologies for their project. Among other things, the focus of TEXTILE CIRCUIT is on the promising topics of smart textiles and wearables. Innovators from various fields are investigating the possibilities offered by string bar technology to incorporate electrically conductive yarns directly on the machine. Initial results include comfortable arm cuffs for controlling robots, textile charging stations for inductively charging smartphones and a T-shirt that measures vital functions. Further projects with field-based partners are underway at the headquarters in Obertshausen.

Since the end of 2020, customers can now also develop and implement ideas for e-textiles at KARL MAYER North America. A modified standard machine and competent service technicians are available for this purpose in Greensboro. Textile Technology Product Developer Sophia Krinner, who was in charge of setting up TEXTILE CIRCUIT, also provides support from head office. The most recent IDTechEx in November 2019 also encouraged the expansion of the MAKERSPACE area through capacity in Greensboro.

At the event focussing on new technology, KARL MAYER successfully presented itself as a competent partner in the production of e-textiles and answered numerous specific project enquiries from innovative partners based in the USA. Sophia Krinner is looking forward to a variety of projects and challenges. “Customers can come to us with their ideas and work with us to try out different ways to make their ideas a reality.”

If you would like to know more about TEXTILE CIRCUIT, you can find out more at www.textile-makerspace.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
E-Mail: ulrike.schlenker@karlmayer.com
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