静电塑料隔板-HB1500是最新的高质量发明,并获得CE认证和1年保修。为了确保机长在静电分离过程中的正常运行,选择了ABB优质电机,EASYCON PLC控制系统,WINPARK温度控制器,昆仑状态触摸屏和易佳工业控制继电器。
适用于无法通过浮选工艺分离的混合塑料2.可用于分离混合塑料,例如:ABS PS PE,PP PE,PET PVC,PC PMMA,ABS / PC ABS,PPA PBT 。
Dongguan Haibao is a factory specialize in Electrostatic plastics Separator and rubber separator. Electrostatic plastics separator is applied to separate the mixed plastics that can not be separated by the density of the flotation process and available in separating mixed plastics such as ABS,PS,PP,PET,PVC,PA,PE,PO and so on) and rubber separator is used to separate rubber/silicone from plastics. Our separator is very popular in China plastic recycling field. More than 80% Plastic Electrostatic Separator in China is from our factory.
Dongguan Haibao Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
Industriegebiet Jiaoli
Zhongtang, Dongguan
Telefon: +86 (137) 12715681
E-Mail: hb13712715681@haibaokj.com